We met while touring Europe in 1997. Since then, Pat and Phil came to America twice to visit us, first in 2002 and then again in 2010. In between, the four of us have toured the south of England together in 2008. Then in 2012 we flew to Adelaide and toured southeastern Australia and New Zealand with them. Now once again we come together, this time in Edinburgh, to do Scotland, Wales and Ireland.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Where's Aldgate?

Aldgate, where Pat and Phil live, is a suburb to the southeast of Adelaide, South Australia. Remember that you can click on the image (map) to enlarge it.

Our First Destination: Adelaide, South Australia

Our Flight

We fly out of Binghamton on Wednesday, October 17, 2012, with stops in Detroit, Los Angeles, and Sydney before landing in Adelaide on Friday. It's actually a 32 hour trip but we cross the International Date Line, pushing us up a day. Pat and Phil will be waiting for us at the airport.