We met while touring Europe in 1997. Since then, Pat and Phil came to America twice to visit us, first in 2002 and then again in 2010. In between, the four of us have toured the south of England together in 2008. Then in 2012 we flew to Adelaide and toured southeastern Australia and New Zealand with them. Now once again we come together, this time in Edinburgh, to do Scotland, Wales and Ireland.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I forgot to mention that we ate lunch on the Rocks in a place called Pancakes on the Rocks, which was in the Metcalfe Warehouse building. I had "Black Forest" pancakes, chocolate pancakes with cherries, cream and chocolate ice cream on top--delicious!

A Christmas Tree of Epic Proportions

This Christmas Tree was in the center of the QVB.

Queen Victoria Building (QVB)

The Queen Victoria Building was built in the 1890s and fills a city block. We stopped in on our way back from the Rocks.


These are our first churches in Australia, the first on Rocks, an old military church, and the second St. Andrew's Cathedral. Sorry, Aussies, they're not quite in the league of the churches we visited in England.

It's All in the Name

I've been teased and "rubbished" in Aussie lingo because everywhere we go something is named George. It began back when we were touring southern England together back in 2008. We did find a Phillip Street and now this shop (second photo), but the girls lament the infrequent encounters with Nancy or Patricia place names. Kendal, we found one for you.

Down George Street

This morning, Thursday, November 1, we headed down George Street toward the Rocks, the oldest part of the city. We passed this statue of Queen Victoria on the way.
This garden was next to it.

At the Opera

The piece de resistance was tonight's event, witnessing Richard Strauss' opera Salome. I had heard the music before, but seeing it performed was an amazing experience, and at the Sydney Opera House no less.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Food Court

We ate lunch in a huge--the biggest I'd ever seen--food court under Myer's department store. It had a dozen or so various ethnic booths, in addition to many others.

A Trinket

Phil and I showed the girls an opal "trinket" we saw yesterday in the Strand Arcade (built in 1891). It ran for a mere $33,000.

Nicole Kidman's Apartment

Nicole Kidman has an apartment in this complex.

The Mouth of the Harbour

Here's where the harbour opens out to the Tazman Sea.

An Aussie Delight

This is a special Aussie delight called a lamington which is sponge cake dipped in chocolate and desiccated coconut on the outside. It was named after Lord Lamington, a governor of Queensland.

Having Coffee

Okay, so one of these handsome dudes had cranberry juice instead of coffee.

One of the Many Mansions

The guide told us that one of the mansions along the water's edge just sold for $53 million. By the way, the harbour is formed by the Parramatta River.

One of the Numerous Bays

Sydney Harbour Bridge

The daring can "climb the bridge" for the modest fee of $200 to $300.

The Sydney Opera House from the Ship

Sydney Skyline from the Cruise Ship

Walk to Our "Coffee" Cruise

Our morning began with a walk to Circular Quay to catch our "Coffee" Cruise, a three hour Sidney Harbour cruise.

Strand Arcade

As it turned out both the men and women stopped in at Myer's department store, the women to check out the shoes and the men to admire a $700 spring jacket. Phil and I also walked through the Strand Arcade (1891), which reminded me of the arcade that Meisha and I visited in Norwich, UK. In the evening Nancy and I went out on our own as Pat and Phil met for dinner a couple they met during their tour of Italy in 2008 before they met us later in England.

Interesting Plants

Bird's Nest Fern
A Huge Hen and Chick-like Plant

Government House

Within the gardens is the Government House, which is the residence of the governor of New South Wales.

Huge Fig Trees

Throughout the gardens there were huge fig trees.

In the Botanic Gardens

Lunch along Sydney Cove

At lunch we decided to separate, the women to shop along the way back to the apartment, the men to return to the gardens.

Australian Opossum

From the Opera House we walked along the edge of the Royal Botanic Gardens and came upon this Australian opossum, another creature considered a pest. But they're much cuter than American opossums.