We met while touring Europe in 1997. Since then, Pat and Phil came to America twice to visit us, first in 2002 and then again in 2010. In between, the four of us have toured the south of England together in 2008. Then in 2012 we flew to Adelaide and toured southeastern Australia and New Zealand with them. Now once again we come together, this time in Edinburgh, to do Scotland, Wales and Ireland.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

With Glennis and Max

After a very brief night's sleep in a hotel near the airport in Christchurch, we were on our way in a new rental car looking for Molly and Jeremiah's, but we missed the turn and it took quite some time before we realized it. By that time we were almost at the home of Glennis and Max, a delightful couple Pat and Phil had met on their trip to Scandinavia. Glennis is a gardening marvel. I'd love to take her--and Max--and her garden--home with me. These pictures are only a tiny sampling of the gardens that surround their home, and Glennis knows that name of just about every one. After the garden tour, they treated us to lunch.

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