We met while touring Europe in 1997. Since then, Pat and Phil came to America twice to visit us, first in 2002 and then again in 2010. In between, the four of us have toured the south of England together in 2008. Then in 2012 we flew to Adelaide and toured southeastern Australia and New Zealand with them. Now once again we come together, this time in Edinburgh, to do Scotland, Wales and Ireland.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Graciously Welcomed

Pat and Phil graciously welcomed us into their lovely home. Their gardens are beautiful. You will see more pictures of the gardens as time allows. Following a tour of the gardens, Pat and Phil left us to catch up on a few ZZZZ. But soon we were reminiscing about our travels together and catching up on family events. They also shared highlights of their recent trip to Scandinavia. Right before dinner we noticed a parrot eating the wisteria. While Phil was chasing it away because it does such damage to the beautiful wisteria, we were anxiously trying to get a good look-see before it flew away. Pat said they do have a koala that visits occasional and irritates them with its awful mating sounds. We also saw several magpies, an import from England. After more catching up during and after dinner, we went to bed early, still trying to adjust to the fourteen and a half hour time difference. It is about 6:00 am Saturday morning here.

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